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Doux Eyewear Lifestyle Catalog

The Problem: Doux Eyewear is an up-and-coming eyewear brand out of Taiwan that needed help launching in the U.S.


The Solution: Dive headfirst into the social space with hip, engaging content showcasing the eyeglasses both on and off.

I was able to work with a stylist to create portriats that convey a high fashion, yet effortless feel.  


The Result: Doux Eyewear was able to take on its initial social strategy by storm, driving up engagements and online sales in the Phoenix, AZ market.

AdWorks Fall 2017 Promotional Materials 

ASU Priority Male Fall Concert Promotional Photos

The Problem: ASU's all-male acapella group reached out to me a week beforetheir fall concert to create a promotional photoshoot.


The Solution: I showed up to the location with no plan in mind, untill I saw one of the members roll up on a Bird scooter. I knew that if I could get each individual member to post a unique Bird photo on their social media, that it would cause a stir online.


The Result: While we were unsucessful in aquiring a sponsorship by Bird, the group blew up on social media. They also had one of the largest concert attendances in the groups' history despite the last-minute promotional campaign.

Adworks Fall 2017 Promotional Materials

The Problem: AdWorks, ASU's student-run advertising agency, struggled to reach a wide pool of prospective members. The club wanted to reach not just business students, but also interdisciplinary creatives and innovators.


The Solution: In collaboration with a team, we came up with the concept: Dreamers Wanted. We executed 4 different iterations, targeting students who were photographers, designers, copywriters, and strategists. I photograped subjects that felt modern, eye-catching and meaningful.


The Result: Students who saw these postcards were eager to take them, identifying themselves as dreamers, visionaries, etc. Student applications increased by 100% the semester that this campaign was executed.

OH Partners 2017 Hiring Campaign

The Problem: OH Partners, Arizona's largest ad agency, is rapidly growing both in clients and size. More talent was needed in order to take on this large influx of work. As part of an intern project, we were tasked with creating a new campaign to recruit fresh talent.


The Solution: As a team we came together to develop the "Fail Boldly" campaign. The images I created for this camplaign were intended to show both the sucesses and failures of the agency, as well as the agency's diverse clientele.


The Result: Upon presentation to the company, the entire audience gasped in awe.

eegee's August Instagram Feed

The Problem: As an intern at OH, I had the opportunity to collaborate with a copywriter to develop the August content for eegee's, a local fast food chain.


The Solution: My goal was to incorporate the southern Arizona reigon as well as the food that makes eegee's unique.


The Result: 30% increase in engagements and comments as well as a young, fresh new look to the look of the Instagram grid.

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